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Sociocultural studies course: geography

Cultivating students who contribute to sociocultural formation through investigation and analysis of the dynamics of modern society with fieldwork as a primary research method, elucidating within an international framework the various issues of contemporary society as well as those which surround the transformation of specific local or model cultures, from a perspective that highlights the interrelation between social structure and cultural form.

About the Program

Though geography is broad discipline that takes as its subject all phenomena related to issues of ‘space’, our department focuses particularly on the fields of historical geography, social geography, and cultural geography. We examine issues surrounding the geographic experience of social groups in lived spaces, for example in landscape/scenery and their depiction in pictures or maps, or people’s sense of place and their experience of a local environment. As such, we make use of a various research methods such as the collection and analysis of written materials, statistical data and geographic information, as well as interview data, to delve into a range of issues related to space. While respecting the disparate themes and fields of our graduate students, we provide guidance based on current theoretical and methodological trends, facilitating the production of high-quality Master’s and PhD theses with a strong emphasis on fieldwork.

Academic Staff

Faculty Name Fields of Specialization
Associate Professor Haraguchi Takeshi social geography, urban studies
Associate Professor Kikuchi Makoto cultural heritage, museum studies, geoarchology