HOME > 講演会・シンポジウム > 【7月10日(月)開催】言語学コロキアムのお知らせ




[日時] 2023年7月10日(月)15:00~16:30 頃まで
[場所] 神戸大学人文学研究科
    A棟1階 学生ホール(キャンパスマップ[96])

[発表者] Toshiyuki Ogihara (University of Washington)
[タイトル/アブストラクト] The semantics of when clauses in English and toki clauses in Japanese

   The semantics of temporal when clauses was investigated by many researchers including Vlach (1973, 1980), Dowty (1979, 1986), Stump (1985) and Hall and Caponigro (2010). The semantic properties of toki ‘time/when’ clauses in Japanese were studied by Oshima (2011), Kaufmann and Miyachi (2011), and Suzuki (2018) among many others. Japanese toki clauses differ from English when clauses in that both “relative” and “absolute” interpretations of their tense form are possible. I adopt Kusumoto’s (1999, 2017) claim that toki clauses can be relative clauses just like (gapped) nominal relative clauses are and are subject to the Geis (1970) ambiguity. This possibility provides toki clauses with a temporal “zero point” (the utterance time) with respect to which tense morphemes determine their semantic contribution. We can then account for the fact that Japanese tense morphemes in toki clauses can receive “absolute” interpretations at least in some cases (but generally receive “relative” interpretations).
   Regarding the semantics of -toki (or when) itself, I defend the null hypothesis that it indicates simultaneity, i.e. there is a time that satisfies the matrix clause condition (of type ) and the toki/when clause condition (of type ). I present an auxiliary proposal that encodes the perceived temporal relation between the toki/when clause eventuality and the matrix clause situation. The key is to interpret the entire clause in relation to a frame adverbial, and this gives us a tool to deal with the idea of “immediately before or after,” which is often discussed in the literature dealing with toki/when clauses.
