
    Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers (March 2010, University of Chicago)



1. (2017) Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers: The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. Oxford University Press. (Copyright year 2018) (publisher link)


    Edited volumes

1. (2023) Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages. With Hideki Kishimoto and Ikumi Imani. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.  (Copyright year 2024) (publisher link)

2. (2019)『極性表現の構造・意味・機能』(Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Their Forms, Meanings and Functions). With Hideki Kishimoto and Ikumi Imani. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.

3. (2009) Papers from the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (The Main Session: Gradience in Grammar). With Malcolm Elliott, James Kirby, Eleni Staraki, and Suwon Yoon. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society. (Copyright year 2007)

4. (2009) Papers from the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (The Panels). With Malcolm Elliott, James Kirby, Eleni Staraki, and Suwon Yoon. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society. (Copyright year 2007)


    Journal articles

1. (2024) Sense-based low-degree modifiers in Japanese and English: Their relations to experience, evaluation, and emotions. Linguistics and Philosophy 47: 653-702. (link)

2. (2023) Scalarity of the Japanese initial mora-based minimizer: A compositional (lexically unspecified) minimizer and a non-compositional (lexically specified) minimizer. Natural Language Semantics 31: 71-120. (link)

3. (2023) The role of comparison in discourse: The meaning and use of the Japanese utterance comparative expressions sore-yori-(mo) ‘than that’ and nani-yori-(mo) ‘than anything’. Language and Linguistics 24(1): 36-73. (link)

4. (2021) The Japanese reactive attitudinal nani-mo: A new class of negative polarity items. Gengo Kenkyu 160: 43-68. (link)

5. (2020)「「NPのことだ(から)」の因果的推論の方向性」(The directionality of causal inference in NP-no koto-da(kara)) . With Jun Sawada『日本語文法』20(1): 37-52. (Journal of Japanese Grammar)

6. (2014) An utterance situation-based comparison. Linguistics and Philosophy 37(3): 205-248. (link)(draft pdf)

7. (2013) The comparative morpheme in Modern Japanese: looking at the core from ‘outside.’ Journal of East Asian Linguistics 22(3): 217-260. (link)(draft pdf)

8. (2011) Scale structure, coercion, and the interpretation of measure phrases in Japanese. With Thomas Grano. Natural Language Semantics 19(2): 191-226. (link)(draft pdf)

9. (2009) Pragmatic aspects of implicit comparison: an economy-based approach. Journal of Pragmatics 41(6): 1079-1103. (link)(draft pdf)

10. (2005) Correlative scale in the Japanese and English concessive conditional constructions. Ars linguistica (Linguistic studies of Shizuoka) 12: 59-68. (Written in Japanese)

11. (2004) On if not: the concessive type and the suspension type. Ars linguistica (Linguistic studies of Shizuoka) 11: 176-193. (Written in Japanese)

12. (2003) Rethinking the let alone construction: what are its construction-specific characteristics? Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics 7: 135-151.



1. (2022) The mirative demonstrative in Japanese. With Jun Sawada.

2. (2022) The expressivity, expectation, and relationship with focus of the Japanese minimizer NPI kakera ‘piece’.

3. (2017) The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative polarity items.

4. (2016) Varieties of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese: the semantics/pragmatics interface. (draft pdf)


    Book chapters/proceedings

1. (2024) Ambiguity of the Japanese negative comparative expression kurabe mono-ni nara-nai ‘cannot be compared’. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 9(1).5689. (link)

2. (2024) Scale structures of numeral additive particles: The case of the Japanese particles moo and ato. Kobe Papers in Linguistics Vol. 14, 39-61.

3. (2023) Empirical and theoretical issues of polarity-sensitive expressions. With Hideki Kishimoto and Ikumi Imani. In Hideki Kishimoto, Osamu Sawada and Ikumi Imani (eds.), Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages, 1-36. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. (Copyright year 2024)(link)

4. (2023) The polarity sensitivity of reactive intensifiers in Japanese and English. In Hideki Kishimoto, Osamu Sawada and Ikumi Imani (eds.), Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages, 297-342. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. (Copyright year 2024) (link)

5. (2023) Interpretations of sense-based minimizers in Japanese and English: Direct and indirect sense-based measurements. In Katsutoshi Yada, Yasufumi Takama, Koji Mineshima, and Ken Satoh (eds), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. JSAI-isAI 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13856, 145–160. Cham: Springer. (link)

6. (2023) Varieties of wh-exclamatives: A view from the negative wh-expressives in Japanese. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 8(1).5524. (link)

7. (2022) The scalar contrastive wa in Japanese. In Gabriela Bîlbîie, Berthold Crysmann & Gerhard Schaden (eds.), Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 14, 239-271. (link)

8. (2022) International pragmatic research on Japanese. By Tetsuharu Koyama, Jun Sawada, Kaoru Hayano, Sachiko Takagi, Noriko Onodera, Osamu Sawada, and Michi Shiina. In Xinren Chen and Doreen Dongying Wu (eds.), East Asian Pragmatics: Commonalities and Variations, 118-134. London: Routledge. (Section 6.2 on deixis, with Jun Sawada) (publisher link)

9. (2022) On the properties of expressivity and counter-expectation in the Japanese minimizer NPI kakera ‘piece’. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 7(1). 5259.

10. (2022) Information structure of the Japanese mirative demonstrative ano. With Jun Sawada. Kobe Papers in Linguistics 13, 16-34.

11. (2021) The Japanese reactive attitudinal nani-mo: Polarity sensitivity and the function of objection. In Hae-Sung Jeon, Pete Sells, Zixi You, Sotaro Kita & Jaehoon Yeon (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 28, 131-145. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

12. (2021) Cross-linguistic variations in the interpretation of tense in mirative sentences: A view from Japanese mirative expressions nante/towa. With Jun Sawada. In Andreas Trotzke and Xavier Villalba (eds.), Expressive Meaning Across Linguistic Levels and Frameworks, 216-247. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (publisher link)(draft pdf)

13. (2021) Scalar properties of Japanese and English sense-based minimizers. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 6(1): 433-447. (link)

14. (2020) The ambiguity of tense in the Japanese mirative sentence with nante/towa. With Jun Sawada. In Sakamoto Maki, Okazaki Naoaki, Mineshima Koji, Satoh Ken (eds), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (JSAI-isAI 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science.vol.12331, 325-340. Cham: Springer. Slightly revised version of LENLS 2019 paper. (link)(draft pdf)

15. (2020)「グライス語用論」(Gricean Pragmatics), 加藤重広・澤田淳(),『はじめての語用論基礎から応用まで』(An Introduction to Pragmatics), 24-40. 東京: 研究社.

16. (2019) The ambiguity of tense in the Japanese mirative sentence with nante/towa. With Jun Sawada. The Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS) 16, Paper 16, 1-14.

17. (2019)序論極性表現の構造・意味・機能(編者との共著), 澤田治, 岸本秀樹, 今仁生美(編),『極性表現の構造・意味・機能』, 1-47. 東京: 開拓社.

18. (2019)「感情表出表現として振る舞う否定極性表現の意味・機能について「何も」と「とても」を中心に, 澤田治, 岸本秀樹, 今仁生美(編),『極性表現の構造・意味・機能』, 311-334. 東京: 開拓社.  

19. (2019)「慣習的推意インターフェースの観点から, 西原哲雄, 都田青子, 中村浩一郎, 米倉よう子, 田中真一(編),『言語におけるインターフェイス』, 138-152. 東京: 開拓社.

20. (2019) The discourse-pragmatic properties of the Japanese negative intensifier totemo. 澤田治美, 仁田義雄, 山梨正明(編),『場面と主体性・主観性』, 593-613. 東京:ひつじ書房.

21. (2019)「「のことだ(から)」の推論用法についてモダリティとの関係性を中心に, With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of the Modality Workshop 16, 101-113.

22. (2019) The meaning and use of the Japanese mirative expressions nante/towa. With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of the Modality Workshop 16, 89-100.

23. (2019) Interpretations of the embedded expressive motto in Japanese: Varieties of meaning and projectivity. In Daniel Gutzmann and Katharina Turgay (eds.), Secondary Content: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Side Issues (Current Research in the Semantics Pragmatics-Interface (CRiSPI)), 341–375. Leiden: Brill. (link)(draft pdf)

24. (2019) Scalarity and alternatives of Japanese mora (letter)-based minimizers. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America Vol.4 (21):1-15. (link)

25. (2019) On the meaning and use of the Japanese mora-based minimizers. Proceedings of the Modality Workshop 15: 159-181.

26. (2018) Varieties of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese. Studies in Language and Literature (Commemoration Number for Prof. Susumu Kubo) 38 (No.1-2): 189-236. Matsuyama University. 

27. (2018) The Japanese negative totemo: From an unconditional expression to an expressive intensifier. The Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS) 15. Paper 18: 1-14.

28. (2018) On the Japanese NPI totemo: Between unconditionality and intensification. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop Vol. 14, 117-134.

29. (2018) Scale structures in discourse: Discourse-pragmatic properties of Japanese comparative expressions. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America Vol.3 (7), 1-15. (link)

30. (2018) The mirative demonstrative in Japanese. With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop, Vol 13, 91-130.

31. (2017) On the property of mirativity in the Japanese modal demonstrative ano. With Jun Sawada. In Kenshi Funakoshi, Shigeto Kawahara, and Christopher D. Tancredi (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 24, 141-155. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

32. (2017) The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative sensitive items. In Jessica Kantarovich, Tran Truong, and Orest Xherija (eds.), Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 437-451. (draft pdf)

33. (2017) The dependent property of the Japanese inferential use of no koto-da: An evidence indicator for an inferential modal statement. With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 14 (LENLS 14), paper 14, 1-14.

34. (2017) The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative polarity items. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop, Vol. 12, 111-153.

35. (2017) The projection of non-at-issue meaning via modal support: The meaning and use of the Japanese counter-expectational adverbs. In Mihoko Otake, Setsuya Kurahashi, Yuiko Ota, Ken Satoh, Daisuke Bekki (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), vol 10091, pp. 122-137. (JSAI-isAI 2015, LENLS revised selected papers). Slightly revised version of LENLS 2015 paper. (link) (draft pdf)

36. (2016) Interpretations of embedded expressives: A view from the Japanese comparative expressive motto. Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics, 120-133. (draft pdf)

37. (2016) Interpretations of embedded pragmatic scalar modifiers. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop vol. 10, 57-109.

38. (2016) The (non)-projective properties of the Japanese counter-expectational intensifier yoppodo. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, Vol 1 (article 20), 1-15. (link)

39. (2016) Varieties of not-at-issue meanings: with special reference to the Japanese positive polarity minimizers. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop, Vol.9, 89-141.

40. (2015) The degree of the speaker’s negative attitude in a goal-shifting comparison. In Christopher Brown and Qianping Gu and Cornelia Loos and Jason Mielens and Grace Neveu (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Texas Linguistics Society Conference, 150-169. (draft pdf)

41. (2015) The meanings of the Japanese scalar adverbs yoppodo and kaette and their projective behaviors. In Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, vol. 7, 99-120.

42. (2014) The meaning of modal affective demonstratives in Japanese. With Jun Sawada. In Seungho Nam, Heejeong Ko and Jongho Jun (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 21, 181-196. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

43. (2014) Polarity sensitivity and update refusal: the case of the Japanese negative totemo ‘very’. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 11), 313-326. (draft pdf)

44. (2014) Modality, polarity, and intensification: the meaning and distributions of the Japanese negative use of totemo ‘very’. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Vol. 6, 141-158.

45. (2014) The conventionality of pragmatic inference in noteworthy comparison. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 233-240.

46. (2014) On the context-dependent pragmatic strategies of Japanese self-diminutive shift. In Urtzi Etxeberria, Anamaria Fălăuș, Aritz Irurtzun, and Bryan Leferman (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 18, 377-395. (link)(draft pdf)

47. (2014) Comparison and goal-orientedness. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Vol. 5, 137-153.

48. (2014) Positive polarity minimizers: the semantics/pragmatics interface. In Rebekah Baglini, Timothy Grinsell, Jonathan Keane, Adam Roth Singerman, and Julia Thomas (eds), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 175-190. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society. (draft pdf)

49. (2013) Nihongo moodaru shijishi ni okeru imi no tajigensei: Imiron to goyooron no intaafeesu. (The multidimensional meaning of the Japanese modal demonstratives: The semantics-pragmatics inferface). With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of the Kansai Linguistics Society (KLS) 33, 73-84.

50. (2013) The meaning and use of noteworthy comparison. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Vol.4, 103-139.

51. (2013) The meanings of diminutive shifts in Japanese. In Stefan Keine and Shayne Sloggett (eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 505-518. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications. (draft pdf)

52. (2013) Precision and manners of measurement: the case of Japanese minimizers. In Kazuko Yatsushiro and Uli Sauerland (eds.), Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6 (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics), 157-168. Cambridge, Mass.: MITWPL. (draft pdf)

53. (2013) The context-dependency of Japanese diminutive shift. Proceedings of the International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Vol. 3, 103-120.

54. (2013) The meaning and use of utterance situation-based comparison in Japanese. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 221-228.

55. (2012) Imprecision and speaker-orientedness in the interpretation of Japanese minimizers. Proceedings of the Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research: Semantic and Pragmatic Study of Modality. Vol 2. Paper 6.

56. (2012) The comparative morpheme in Modern Japanese. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 281-292. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society. (draft pdf)

57. (2012) The meaning of diminutive shift in Japanese: Its dimensionality, regularity and pragmatic effect. Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 257-260.

58. (2012) Hikakukoobun no goyooron (Pragmatics of comparative constructions). In Harumi Sawada (ed.), Koobun to Imi, Hituzi Imiron Kooza vol.2 (Constructions and Meaning, Hituzi Semantics Lecture Series, vol. 2.), 133-155. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo Publishing.

59. (2012) Expressivity and measurement: the case of the Japanese degree adverb motto. Proceedings of the Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 127-152.

60. (2011) Comparison with indeterminateness: a multidimensional approach. In Suzi Lima, Kevin Mullin, and Brian Smith (eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 645-659. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications. (draft pdf)

61. (2011) On the expressive use of ano ‘that’ in Japanese: a probability scale approach. With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 49-56.

62. (2011) Comparison, indeterminateness, and the semantics-pragmatics interface. In William McClure and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 18, 315-327. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

63. (2011) The meanings of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese: a unified approach. In Nan Li and David Lutz (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 20, 599-617. (link)

64. (2010) Investigating an asymmetry in the semantics of Japanese measure phrases. With Thomas Grano. In Iksoo Kwon, Hannah Pritchett, and Justin Spence (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 305-316. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society. (draft pdf)

65. (2010) Saliency and scalarity in the meaning of the Japanese modal affective demonstratives. With Jun Sawada. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 7), 111-124.

66. (2010) Sui-i (implicature). In Harumi Sawada and Ken-ichi Takami (eds.), Kotoba no Imi to Siyoo (Meaning and Use of Language), 246-256. Tokyo: Otori Syobo.

67. (2010) Dimensions of the Japanese minimizers A LITTLE. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 169-176.

68. (2010) Modes of scalar reversal in Japanese. In Shoichi Iwasaki, Hajime Hoji, Patricia M. Clancy, and Sung-Ock Sohn (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 17, 263-277. Stanford: CSLI publications. (draft pdf)

69. (2009) Pragmatic aspects of the ‘negative use’ of the Japanese adverb motto. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 175-182.

70. (2009) Varying implicature in contrastiveness. Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of the Papers Selected from the CIL 18, 3599-3614. Linguistic Society of Korea.

71. (2008) Two types of adverbial polarity items in Japanese: absolute and relative. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 263-270. (draft pdf)

72. (2008) The multifunctionality of English and Japanese scalar distance constructions: a semantic map approach. In Nikki Adams, Adam Cooper, Fey Parrill, and Thomas Wier (eds.), Papers from the 40th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session, 321-334. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society.

73. (2007) The Japanese contrastive wa: a mirror image of EVEN. In Thera Crane, Oana David, Donna Fenton, Hannah J. Haynie, Shira Katseff, Russell Lee-Goldman, Ruth Rouvier, and Dominic Yu (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (General Session and Parasession on Multilingualism and Fieldwork), 374-387. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society. (draft pdf)(link)

74. (2007) On the dual standard in the Japanese comparatives. (Written in Japanese) Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan (vol.2), 65-72.

75. (2007) The scalar sensitivity of the Japanese scalar additive particles. In Erin Bainbridge and Brian Agbayani (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2006), vol. 17, 383-397. (Online proceedings)

76. (2007) From classifier construction to scalar construction: the case of the Japanese N hitotu V nai and N 1-classifier V nai constructions. In Naomi McGloin and Junko Mori (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 15, 161-172. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. (draft pdf)

77. (2006) Wa-oroka, dokoro-ka koobun ni kansuru imiron teki goyooron teki koosatu (The semantics and pragmatics of the wa-oroka and dokoro-ka constructions). In Ueda Isao and Noda Hisashi  (eds.), Gengai to gennai no kouryuu bunya: Koizumi Tamotsu hakase sanju kinen ronbunsyuu (The interaction between language external and language internal: Festschrift for Prof. Tamotsu Koizumi on his 80th birthday), 243-252. Tokyo: Daigakusyorin.

78. (2006) Scalarity and the rhetorical negative constructions. In Seiko Fujii, Takahito Morita, and Chie Sakuta (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Construction Grammar, 162-163.

79. (2006) Sinri teki yuusensei o arawasu ‘before’ koobun ni kansuru itikoo satu: jikansei kara hikaku e (The psychological priority in the before construction: from ‘time’ to ‘comparison’). Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, 220-229.

80. (2006) ‘N hitotu V nai’ koobun no imiron teki, goyooron teki tokusei ni tuite: kanren koobun tono hikaku o tyuusin to site (The semantics and pragmatics of the “N hitotu V nai” construction: focusing on the comparison with related constructions). Proceedings of Kansai Linguistic Society 30, 176-186.

81. (2005) ‘May/might (just) as well’ koobun ni tuite: tagisei to toraekata to no kankei o tyuusin ni site (On the may/might (just) as well construction: its multi-functionality and the speaker’s construal). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan (JELS 22), 181-190.

82. (2004) The cognitive characteristics of the idiomatic comparative constructions: the case of the ‘no more/less…than’ constructions. Proceedings of the 9th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 273-279. (pdf)

83. (2003) The two-dimensional scale of the concessive conditional construction: The case of English even if construction. Proceedings of the 8th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 424-433.

84. (2003) The scalar if not construction: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic conditions of its two readings. Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied linguistics, 189-198.


    Working papers

1. (2005) The relation between scalar implicature and its cancellation: from the one-dimensional scalar model to the multidimensional scalar model. (written in Japanese) The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University, vol.12 (2): 215-225.


    Review articles

1. (2022) Review of Indirect Speech Acts by Nicolas Ruytenbeek (Cambridge University Press). Studies in Pragmatics 24: 169-178.

2. (2019)「加藤泰彦著『ホーン『否定の博物誌』の論理』」(Review of “The Logic of Horn’s A Natural History of Negation” by Yasuhiko Kato). 『語用論研究』(Studies in Pragmatics) 21: 187-196.

3. (2017) 「荻原俊幸著 『「もの」の意味、「時間」の意味記号化に頼らない形式意味論の話』」(Review of Mono-no Imi, Jikan-no Imi ‘The Semantics of Things, The Semantics of Times’ by Toshiyuki Ogihara (2016 Kuroshio Shuppan)). Studies in English Literature 94: 143-151.

4. (2015) Review of Modality, Subjectivity, and Semantic Change: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective by Heiko Narrog (2012 Oxford University Press). English Linguistics 32 (1): 223-235.

5. (2014) Review of Taking Scope: The Natural Semantics of Quantifiers by Mark Steedman (2012 MIT Press). Studies in English Literature 55: 175-183.


    Papers related to English language

1. (2020)「文の曖昧性とイントネーションの関係−モダリティと否定, そしてonlyの意味解釈, 「発話の流れを把握する前提と情報のアップデート, 「発話レベルの意味から推論レベルの意味へグライスの会話の公理, 畠山雄二(),『英語上達40のレッスン言語学から見た4技能の伸ばし方−』, 126-138. 東京: 朝倉書店.