Joyce class (1)

metaphoric metonymic
discourse (lit) poetryprose (novel)
poetrylyric epic
performancedrama film
(style)romantic, symbolist realistic writing
titlemetaphoric title place-name, person title
languageselection combination
substitution contiguity
(art)surrealism cubism

[Lodge, 482ff.]

double tendency (metaphoric, metonymic)

'artificial' aphasia


Jakobson, Roman. 'Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances' (1956). Rpt. in Language in Literature. Eds. Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1987. 95-114.

Stein, Gertrude. Look at me Now and Here I am: Writings and Lectures, 1909-45. Ed. Patricia Meyerowitz (Harmondsworth, 1971)

Lodge, David. 'The Language of Modernist Fiction: Metaphor and Metonymy' in Modernism. Eds. Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1976.

Last updated: 31 October, 1996

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Quid prodest hoc ad aeternitatem
Professor Eiichi Hishikawa
Faculty of Letters, Kobe University